5th International Symposium on Northern Languages and Cultures
– Linguistic and Cultural Heritage of Northern and Central Asia: Documentation and Description
Date: August 12-13, 2023
Venue: Nazarbayev Univeersity, Astana, Kazakhstan
Day1. 10:30-17:30
Opening Talk. 10:00-10:30
- Y. Nagayama
- A. Filchenko
Session 1 10:30-12:30
- Perfective action noun in Nganasan.
Gusev Valentin (Institute of Linguistics, RAS / University of Hamburg) - Converbial Clause Linkage in Eastern Khanty.
Filchenko Andrey (School of Sciences and Humanities of the Nazarbayev University) - Converbial Clause Linkage in Eastern Khanty.
Potanina Olga (School of Sciences and Humanities of the Nazarbayev University)
Session 2. 14:00-16:00
- Меняющаяся материальность Арктики и Сибири”: коренные народы, инновации, инфраструктура.
Davydov Vladimir (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS) - Танцы «медвежьего праздника» айнов как этномаркируюший феномен.
Osipova Marina (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS) - Some Influences from Inner Eurasian Cultures to Ainu culture.
Tangiku Itsuji (Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University)
Master classes. 16:30-17:30
- Dances of indigenous peoples of Kamchatka
Lidiia Chechulina (руководитель ансамбля «Уйкав» ‘Ивушка’) - Koryak language for beginners
Evdokiia Pronina (учитель-методист корякского языка, составитель словарей)
Day 2.10:30-16:30
Session 3. 10:30-12:30
- How should converbs be defined? From case studies of Sakha (Yakut) and Tyvan converbs.
Ebata Fuyuki (Niigata University, Japan) - Лексическо-семантические параллели в кыргызском и алтайском языках (по материалам лексики о частях человеческого тела и родственных именах).
Акматалиева Жакшылык (JSPS / Niigata University, Japan) - The usage of three forms expressing desire in Uzbek.
Hidaka Shinsuke (JSPS / Niigata University, Japan)
Session 4. 14:00-15:20
- The Karaga Dialect of Alutor: A History of Research and Documentation.
Nagayama Yukari (Kushiro Public University of Economics, Japan) - История становления алюторской письменности: графико-орфографический аспект.
Голованева Татьяна (Институт филологии СО РАН)
Round Table. 15:30-16:30
Organizing committee
Y. Nagayama (Kushiro Public University of Economics), A. Filchenko (Nazarbayev University), O. Potanina (Nazarbayev University)
This symposium is supported by KAKENHI B “Basic Research on Dialects and Lexicon of Siberian Indigenous Languages” (No. 20H01260, 2020-2024, headed by Y. Nagayama), OPCRP 2021014 (headed by A. Filchenko), and School of Sciences and Humanities of the Nazarbayev University.

(last update: 2023-08-11)