ISNLC 2015

International Symposium on Northern Languages and Cultures 2015

24-25 января 2015 (Университет Хоккайдо)


24 января, 10:00-16:50
10:00 Открытие

10:10-12:00 Секция 1: Культурное наследование и документация языков народов Севера

  1. Национальный танец: пути сохранения и актуализации танцевальной культуры Чукотки.
    В.В. Ринтытегин (Чукотский многопрофильный колледж)
  2. Project of creating corpora of small languages in the Institute of linguistics, Moscow
    В.Ю. Гусев (Институт языкознания РАН)

13:30-16:50 Секция 2: Языки в этнографических материалах

  1. Koryak Vocabulary Collected by S.P. Krasheninnikov
    Юкари Нагаяма (Center for Northern Humanities, Hokkaido University)
  2. Nivkh Old Texts Collectd at the End of the 19th Century
    Ицудзи Тангику (Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University)
  3. Yukaghir Texts by V. I. Ioxel’son
    Ику Нагасаки (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
  4. The Oldest Sakha Text by A. Ja. Uvarovskij
    Фуюки Эбата (Niigata University)
  5. Transcription Systems in the Old Evenki Texts
    Рё Мацумото (Kyoto University)
  6. The Ethno-Linguistic Activities by Missionaries in Yunnan, China
    Ацуси Ямада (Japan Health Care College)

25 января, 10:30-16:50

10:30-12:00 Секция 3: Документация и сохранения языков

  1. Acoustic investigations on unstressed vowel reduction in Nivkh
    Хидэтоси Сираиси (Sapporo Gakuin University)
  2. A History of Language Description on Tungusic
    Sangyab Baek (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
  3. Electronic publication of text data and sound materials
    Тосиро Цумагари (Center for Northern Humanities, Hokkaido University)

13:30-16:50 Секция 4: Язык и литература айнов

  1. Marsh Monsters in Ainu Folklore
    Харуна Ядзаки (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
  2. An Issue of Ainu Oral Literature: Aeoynakamuy and Yayresuupo as Demi-gods
    Дзирота Китахара (Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University)
  3. アイヌの自叙体文芸における文法と構成の技法
    Осами Окуда (Sapporo Gakuin University)
  4. Predicate Constraints of Auxiliary Verb Constructions in the Saru dialect of Ainu
    Нобухиса Кисимото (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
  5. Documentation of the Ainu Language: Present Situation and Problems
    Ясусигэ Такахаси (Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University)
  6. アイヌ語の抱合における残置(stranding)回避手段としての充当態(applicative)
    Томоми Сато (Center for Northern Humanities, Hokkaido University)

16:50 Закрытие

Огранизаторы Center for Northern Humanities (Hokkaido University), Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies (Hokkaido University)
Оргкомитет Юкари Нагаяма, Ицудзи Тангику

Конференцию поддержали Center for Northern Humanities (Hokkaido University), Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies (Hokkaido University), JSPS Invitational Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Long-term) L-14504 (Valentin Gusev), Slavic-Eurasian Research Center “Project-Based Collaborative Research on the Slavic Eurasian Region (former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe) in Fiscal Year 2014” (Yukari Nagayama).